Monday Muse: Carl Jung's Man and his Symbols

One of my main focuses this year is to get more in touch with synchronicities and personal symbols and archetypes. Man and his Symbols by Carl Jung is providing me with some excellent research material to begin my quest. The pages of this book are lush with color and imagery of different cultural symbols throughout history. There is a thread running through the history of the human race that connects us all and we see that thread in visual form through symbols.

I like to play around with the idea of personal symbols and archetypes. It’s like noticing gifts from the Universe that are just for me. Working with Soul Collage has helped me develop this language of visual imagery that I use to describe my inner world and experiences with the outer world. One of my favorite archetypes is that of the orb-weaver spider that I am choosing to work with this year. I’ll write more about historical and personal orb-weaver symbolism in a later post. What symbols are you noticing in your life lately? How are you choosing to connect with them?

A big focus of 2020 for me is to become more observant and notice the connectedness of things around me. Like I said, I believe synchronicities and coincidences hold significance and meaning about the interconnectedness of all things. Little gifts from the Universe to let you know that you are being seen. I’m excited to work more with symbols this year and I’ll report my findings here.

Sierra Aguilar

Collage artist, art educator, and SoulCollage® facilitator living in San Diego, CA.


Taos, New Mexico


Monday Muse: Walker Evans