Monday Muse: Frida Kahlo

After the exciting weekend I had at the Friducha art show at La Bodega Gallery, I wanted to share a few of my favorite pieces by Frida Kahlo.

She has been called a Surrealist and I would agree with that label. There is a dream-like quality to her work and a level of detail that creates an intense fabric of symbolism for the viewer to dissect and engage with. Although her likeness has been highly commodified, I believe we must always return to her work, especially the works that are not so easy to look at. Her life was complex as is her work. She is truly one of the most successful female artists and must be remembered first and foremost for her contribution to art.

What do you think of her work? How would you categorize it? How do you identify with the symbolism she presents? I’d love to know!

Sierra Aguilar

Collage artist, art educator, and SoulCollage® facilitator living in San Diego, CA.


Behind the Canvas: Frida: Tautology


Reframing Failure as an Artist and Educator