Collage-oween 2018

I finished my personal 31 day challenge of creating a soul collage card every day for the month of October. I was introduced to the concept of soul collage at a workshop hosted by Little Dame Shop way back in the summer. My instructor-turned-friend, Kara-Leigh, guided us through the process of intuitive collage with the goal of making our own tarot or oracle card deck. It might have been the best $50 I ever spent creatively! I fell in love with the process and felt like it was what I had been looking for for a while. After the class, I went and purchased my own supplies and began making a card every now and then. I knew I wanted to do “Collage-oween” again this year and felt like soul collaging my way through would be the perfect way to keep it light and easy. I really like working within the 5”x8” border, it was easy to compose and generate ideas. I ended up completing this challenge and found it to be very fun, freeing, and motivating. I liked doing something just for myself without feeling the need to post it on social media.

I’m sharing my gallery with you below. I hope you enjoy!

What projects are you working on? How do you feel about posting every day on social media? Is it motivating or demotivating for you? I would love to start a discussion surrounding the idea of social media, output, and art. Thanks for taking a look! - Sierra

Sierra Aguilar

Collage artist, art educator, and SoulCollage® facilitator living in San Diego, CA.


Diary #002


Art Is About Looking