My latest series, PORTALS, will be on display at Dark Horse Coffee Roasters in Normal Heights from June 6 - July 6, 2018. 

PORTALS is an intuitive collage journey that was inspired by some themes I am exploring in my life lately. I love combining different mediums and processes together. PORTALS is a clash of almost all of my favorite mixed media techniques and mediums. There's even gold and silver mica flakes! Thematically, PORTALS is an expression of decontextualization of imagery and toying with the idea of the void. Here is my artist's statement: 

“Stardust Coyote is a San Diego based mixed media and collage artist. “Portals” is her newest series of mixed media works. In “Portals” imagery is decontextualized and manipulated, divorcing it from its’ original meaning. The imagery is then combined with abstract swaths of paint, color, and texture to create an altered sense of reality that exists in the liminal space between the conscious and the unconscious. The recognizable imagery of faces and people gives the viewer a tether to the “real world” as they are pitched forward into a surreal landscape dominated by feeling and movement. The black spaces in each piece symbolize the sense of the void, out of which all things come and into which all things must go. It is up to the viewer to decide whether the surreal space is receding back into the void or if it is emanating out, the classic birth versus death narrative. Many of the images chosen for “Portals” are used for advertising products, relating to the ever-escalating cycle of consumerism and meaninglessness of modern consumption.

Stardust Coyote often deals with themes of decontextualization, reconstruction, and the contrariness of living in a thoroughly post-modern and neoliberal society.”

Additionally, this is the last time I will be showing a series for a while, so if you are interested in seeing this work, don't hesitate to make it out! I have really enjoyed working with a more abstracted and decontextualized style, but I feel that my inspiration with pure abstraction has sort of come to its conclusion and it's time for me to move on to newer things that are exciting me right now. I am going to go into a period of experimentation and start making more representational things and recontextualizing imagery. I'm still going to be working with collage, but now I will be doing it in a new way. I am so excited to share new things with you! I will be sharing a lot on social media so follow me at @stardustcoyoteart on Instagram to stay up to date and get all the behind the scenes looks. I will also be posting the entire PORTALS series here when the show comes down and adding any unsold work to my shop as well. At the end of summer, I will be participating in La Bodega Gallery's Zodiac show so there will be one more chance to see my work in person before summer's end. 

Head to Dark Horse and check out PORTALS by July 6 and keep checking in here for new shop updates and things I'm working on. 

Sierra Aguilar

Collage artist, art educator, and SoulCollage® facilitator living in San Diego, CA.


Stardust Coyote TV Ep. 001


Running Up That Hill