Stardust Coyote TV Ep. 001
I'm working more on my YouTube channel, so I thought I would post the videos here for anyone to watch who also reads my blog.
I love to keep notebooks and have 11 different ones that I keep up with quite regularly. Some are for special life events (like my wedding notebook) and other's (like my journal and planner) are ones that I've had some form of since I was a kid. I write in a couple of these notebooks at least once a day and others I'd like to use more. Some are for tracking habits like my "Daily Wins" notebook, budgeting notebook, and life tracker. Others I use for ideas or to flesh out projects. I enjoy having separate notebooks for different topics. If you watch the video, I hope you find some new ideas of notebooks to keep or lists to make.
Do you like to journal or keep notes on paper or are you more of a digital archivist? What do you like to write about or remember? What kinds of notebooks are your favorite to write in? I would love to hear about your notebook routine and how you keep up with it day to day. Let me know if you try any of the ideas in the video. Also, if you'd like me to go deeper into any of the notebooks, let me know!